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It has been a month or so since our 2019 YCIS Qingdao Alumni, Josiah Mendes, started his journey as a freshman at Imperial College London。 We are delighted to share with our school community the stories from Josiah。 Every year, YCIS students receive excellent offers from higher education institutes across the world。 For our students, a university is not only a place where they learn, but also a starting point of discovering the world and their future。

初冬时节,青岛耀中采访了我校2019年毕业生Josiah Mendes,他与我们分享了他入学英国帝国理工学院一个月以来的心得。每年,我们都欣喜地看到耀中国际学校的毕业生收到来自世界各地高等教育机构的录取通知书。对于年轻人们来说,大学不仅仅是饱藏知识的学术胜地,更是他们探索世界、探索未来的新起点。

YCIS Qingdao: First of all, we would like to once again congratulate you on the outstanding result in university application。 How is your study and life going? Are you enjoying the new environment in University?


Josiah: In both expected and unexpected ways, studying at Uni is so different from studying at YCIS! Being at one of the top STEM universities in the UK, if not in the world, means that the workload is significantly heavier and the environment is more intense competitive。 But, it is enjoyable, doing sophisticated hands-on work in the lab, and hearing from companies such as Apple and Intel on their latest developments within the industry。


My adjustment into the Uni environment has been cushioned by the fact that I still live at home with my family, a blessing in terms of both cost and convenience。 I cycle the 11km from my house to Uni in 35mins each day, and come home knowing that there’ll be food on the table for me。 Not having to worry about stuff like that is great, I love it。 I’ve made lots of friends especially within my tutorial group, but I would still say my YCIS classmates are my closest friends and I miss them dearly。


YCIS Qingdao: Has the YCIS Holistic Focus helped you in your university life? Does it help in facing new challenges?


Josiah: YCIS’s Holistic Focus has, for sure, made a lasting impact on my life。 My class in the university is very diverse, and we have students from all over the world。 There have been multiple occasions where I’ve joined a conversation with my Chinese classmates using Chinese, only for shocked faces to appear, followed by “You speak Chinese???” (杨老师、陈老师、赵老师,谢谢您们!) Being exposed to so many different cultures at YCIS, it helped me to be adaptable and get along with many of my classmates regardless of nationality, unlike some of the others who stick with their own nationalities and cultural groups Funnily enough, I end up hanging out more with the Chinese, Korean, Singaporean, and other Asian students than my “fellow” British students!

Josiah:毋庸置疑,耀中的全人教育对我的人生产生了积极而深远的影响。来到帝国理工以后,我结识了许多来自不同国家和地区的同学。有好几次,我都用中文与我的中国同学们交谈,结果他们一脸惊讶地问我,“你居然会讲中文?!” (杨老师、陈老师、赵老师,谢谢您们!)在耀中读书的时候,我与众多来自不同国家、不同文化背景的同学们一起学习生活,这在极大程度上培养了我对于文化差异的包容心。我不会像有的同学那样,只与自己的同胞打交道;相反,我非常喜欢和亚洲国家的同学们进行交流,以此扩展自己的视野和知识面。

  • 标签:注册会计师教材
  • 编辑:杨保录
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